Minggu, 30 Agustus 2009


Business of reference for the rest probably had the business itself. This practices everywhere. When you tell the delicacy dishes at your favorite restaurant, then you've run a business reference.

Restaurant owners encourage you to tell your friends about the good things from the restaurant, but just tell he was just ugliness to. What you may not know is that many people like the restaurant you refer to his friends. No wonder the restaurant was crowded visit. And the restaurant becomes better because the owner listened to customer complaints.

It's just that you provide references for free. Well, actually there are types of businesses that will pay you for referrals from your work.

Many established businesses know this power. Insurance industry and real estate commissions paid to people who promote their business.
Another term that appears in the Internet affiliate (Affiliate). This business is basically the same: Afiliate (participants affiliates) provides references to Internet users to buy products or services. Afiliate then paid by the business principals.

Different names but the same result: a commission!
This started in the year when Amazon.com Afiliate invited to join its marketing team to advertise its products. Since then, other giant companies like Dell and follow Home Depot.

How does it work?

Afiliate get special ID from the company principals. When Afiliate refer someone to buy products from prusahaan principal, affiliate put his ID as a reference. Company principals to monitor all the orders and ID of the affiliate. In a certain period, say monthly, the company announced the results of the principal and affiliate commission.

Using the internet, affiliate business offers a lot of schemes. For example, Afiliate be paid for every customer who visits the website. Or he just paid for every sale that happens.

Current affiliation period can also be limited. For example, Afiliate be paid for every customer who bought within 3 months. Cookie technology is installed in a web visitor's browser is very popular for this purpose.

Best affiliate programs is to offer high commissions and a lifetime membership. You do not need a commission that is too high because the price would be too high so difficult to get sales.

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